Fertilizers Products
Nitrogen is like the energy booster of your plant that makes sure your plant has enough energy to absorb sunlight and grow. Thus, it helps increase the production of chlorophyll molecules in your plants. This process helps them absorb as much of the sun’s energy as they can during the photosynthesis process.
Phosphorus helps regulate the protein production inside your plant. In addition, it helps manage cell division and the energy transformation process.This is the process that helps with stem and root growth. Not only that, but it also encourages flower production.
Potassium helps regulate the plant’s responses and biochemical reactions during sunlight absorption and photosynthesis. also it helps with drought resistance and reduces water loss. and it helps in reducing the plant’s unnecessary respiration to avoid energy loss.
Why Us : Consists of 100% plant nutrients , Free of chloride & sodium and other detrimental elements for plants & Free of insoluble matter