Waste Water Treatment Chemical
We supply a wide range of chemical products. We have experts in industrial production and we knew very well the chemical industry worldwide .We have built an important storage network in Middle East to answer quickly to any industrial requirements.
We offer an extensive range of advanced; scientifically formulated water treatment products, specialty chemicals and water additives manufactured to the highest international quality and environmental standards for guaranteed performance.
Main Point:
PH Control
Odor Control
Color Removal
Reduce or Remove TDS
Control COD & BOD
Chemical Flocculants
Chemical Coagulants
PH Control
For acidic wastes (low pH):
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
Sodium Carbonate(Na2CO3)
Calcium Carbonate(CaCO3)
Calcium Hydroxide(Ca(OH)2)
For alkali wastes (high pH):
Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
Chemical Flocculants
A chemical flocculent (usually a polyelectrolyte) enhances the flocculation process by bringing together particles to form larger flocs , which settle out more quickly.
Chemical Flocculants
Cationic Polyacrylmide
Anionic Ployacrylmide
Chemical Coagulants
Coagulation refers to collecting the minute solid particles dispersed in a liquid into a larger mass.
Chemical coagulants
Aluminum Sulfate ( Alum)
Ferric Chloride & Ferric Sulfate
Hydrated Lime
Poly Aluminum Chloride
Sodium bisulphate
Control COD & BOD - Oxidants
Oxidants aid in reducing COD/BOD levels, and to remove both organic and oxidisable inorganic components.
A wide variety of oxidants are available. A few of them are
Hydrogen peroxide
Combined ozone peroxide; Oxygen
Color Removal
poly ferric chloride
Activated Carbon
Odor Control
Chemical odour control systems quickly neutralize hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, amines, mercaptans, skatole, sulphur dioxide, acetaldehyde, cadaverine and more.
Sodium Hypochlorite
Calcium Hypochlorite 65 %
Trichloroisocyanoric Acid 90 %
Hydrogen Peroxide
Potassium Permengenat
Sodium bisulphate
TDS Removal
Bleaching powder
Ferric alum
Activated Carbon
Activated Oxygen